Filósofo de la vida:
tu partida ha rodado lágrimas
de miles y millones,
así como lloraste al perder
a tu única compañera y retoño.
Todos sabemos que no eras de aquí
ni de allá porque fuiste espíritu puro encarnado,
y aun sigues siéndolo hoy,
pero más libre y más puro:
ya no estás encarnado.
Viniste y fuiste ejemplo
de muchos que no se ofuscan
ni se marean en esta vida pasajera,
porque siempre recordaste
el Sermón de la Montaña
que un día un vagabundo te lo recitó.
Eres también el hombre que vino
de “viejas tierras para decir algo”,
como Atahualpa Yupanqui.
Y aunque has dejado el plano físico
tu voz y tu mensaje de paz
seguirán retumbando
en el mundo para el alivio de muchos.
Cegaron tu vida en la tierra
pero dejaste una especie
de “reino de los cielos”
en las almas de los pobres,
de los mansos,
de los que lloran,
de los que tienen hambre y sed de justicia,
de los misericordiosos,
de los puros de corazón,
de los pacificadores
y de los que sufren persecución de la injusticia.
Fuiste y eres feliz
porque siempre volaste abajo,
y desde aquí estamos contigo.
Motlasolistlapiano ipan nemilistli:
otia mich chokilia
ihkon kexan te otichokak ihkuak otikpolo
mosiwa wan mochpokah.
Tinochtin se kimatok tewatzin amo nikan tipowih
wan amo noh oksekan tipowih,
tewatzin otia se weyi yolistli
wan imanih notiyon
axan okachi ti kakahtok wan okachi ti chipawak:
ayekmo tinakayo.
Otiwalla wan otia kualli teixmachti
innawak mieke tlakah akin amo moixtzakuah
wan amo tlayowilia ipan inin
totokah yolistli
ipampa tewatzin nochippa otikilnamik
Sermon de la Montaña
tlenon isemitian se kikiskih omitztlakuikatilih.
Tewatzin no yen tlakatl akin owalla
kanin “wewe tlalme pampa itlah kitos”,
kexan Atahualpa Yupanqui.
Wan maske otikkate inin tlaltikpak
mo tlatol wan motlasoh amatlakuilol
chikawak mokaktoskeh
ipan inin tlalpan tlenon miek kinyolkaxanis.
Omitzmiktike nikan tlaltikpak
masihkon wel otikateh sanke se
ipan iknome inyollo,
ipan kualli tlakah,
ipan akin chokatokeh
ipan kin chikawak kineki kualli ma se yetoh,
ipan teiknomatih
ipan akin kualli inyollo,
ipan akin amo tlamatinemih
wan impan akin impantlahtlaksah.
Otikatkah wan tikah tipaktok,
impampa nochippa tlalchih otipatlan,
wan tewan nikan tlaltikpak mowan tikateh.
Philosopher of life:
your game has rolled tears
of thousands and millions
and cried after losing
your only companion and shoot.
We all know you were here
nor there because you were pure spirit incarnate
and yet still so today,
but more free and pure:
are no longer incarnate.
You came and you were such
of many who do not obfuscate
or dizzy in this fleeting life,
because he always remembered
the Sermon on the Mount
One day a tramp I recited it.
You are also the man who came
"old lands to say something,"
as Atahualpa Yupanqui.
And though you've left the physical plane
your voice and message of peace
still rumbling
in the world for the relief of many.
Blinded your life on earth
but you left a kind
of "kingdom of heaven"
in the souls of the poor,
the meek
of those who mourn,
from those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
the merciful
of the pure in heart,
and those who suffer persecution and injustice.
Were and are happy
because he always flew down
and here we are with you.
Philosopher of life:
your game has rolled tears
of thousands and millions
and cried after losing
your only companion and shoot.
We all know you were here
nor there because you were pure spirit incarnate
and yet still so today,
but more free and pure:
are no longer incarnate.
You came and you were such
of many who do not obfuscate
or dizzy in this fleeting life,
because he always remembered
the Sermon on the Mount
One day a tramp I recited it.
You are also the man who came
"old lands to say something,"
as Atahualpa Yupanqui.
And though you've left the physical plane
your voice and message of peace
still rumbling
in the world for the relief of many.
Blinded your life on earth
but you left a kind
of "kingdom of heaven"
in the souls of the poor,
the meek
of those who mourn,
from those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
the merciful
of the pure in heart,
and those who suffer persecution and injustice.
Were and are happy
because he always flew down
and here we are with you.